The script font on this invitation from East Six (oh my god AMAZING invitations) is called Porcelain and you can download it FREE here!

Want the stamp pad look without the stamp pad? There's a font for that!
And you can get it here for free!

One of the first blogs I started reading was http://kevinandamanda.com. I still read Amanda's blog and get email updates from her. She has no idea but, she totally inspired me to blog. Now, she blogs (a lot) about cupcakes. How can you not get a daily dose of cupcakes? She travels all over, she has an amazing camera (and photo tutorials) and 2 adorable Boston Terriers. In her spare time (serious?) she has another site that offers handwriting and scrapbooking fonts. They are some of my favorites and you have a lot to choose from. You can download one or all of them for free here!
Now we need to talk about how you install these lovely fonts onto your computer! If you use a MAC you are on your own...because I use Windows and that is what I will cover!
When you choose to download any of these fonts they will come in a .zip file and will most likely be placed in your Download folder. You just need to double click on the file to unzip it. Inside each file will be an example of the font and another file that should end in a .ttf extension, which stands for True Type Font. This is the file you will need to install. If you want before you begin to download fonts you could make a new folder and put all .zip files there (easy to find them later!). So, here are the instructions to install:
Click Control Panel, then Fonts (this opens a new window. if you do not see the "File" option at the top left side of the box hit the ALT key and it will pop up)
Click FILE, INSTALL NEW FONT (this opens a new box and you have to know where you put the unzipped file with the .ttf extension)
Click on the file with the .ttf extension (or it will say True Type Font over to the left side)
Click install
Start enjoying your new FREE fonts!!

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