So, once this lovely item came into my possession, I was pretty pumped up! I ran out to the store and bought a 4 lb bag of special flour to make handmade dough (pretty impressive huh?) But, once I started reading the directions that Tupperware supplied with the empanada press (note: you should always read the directions first) it told me I could use refrigerated pie crust! I thought, why the heck did I just buy 4 lbs of corn flour?!

So, my inspiration has always been to try my hand at the empanadas on Cinco de Mayo. Guess what? That's TODAY! But, here I sit reading blogs and websites ABOUT Cinco de Mayo and thinking about how you could incorporate all these fun things at a wedding, err Fiesta! I originally started looking at Margarita Cupcakes (the idea came from the Sweet Treat Giveaway we just did because a couple of readers sited them as their favorite cupcake). Sounds delish right? So, I went recipe searching and people really do add tequila into the cupcakes....whoa! These are not for kids ladies and gentleman!

My daydreaming continued into fiesta-land where I found this adorable FREE template for you to download and print out your own invitation!

Flights of Fancy created this invite and all you have to do is: Type your wording in the template, print on cardstock and trim using the cropmarks as a guide and for the address labels: type your return address in the template, then print on Avery labels #5164 (3 1/3″ x 4″, 6 labels per sheet). Wow! Super simple right?
So, now that I have satisfied my wedding fiesta ideas, I think I am going to go see how difficult making homemade empanadas will be...I will keep you posted if I tackle them or just do Mexican take-out! Happy Cinco de Mayo!

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