Most importantly, this is the giveaway that keeps on giving - by "paying it forward". This giveaway is unique because... my winning bid went to a charity I believe in 110%! You can read about my evening at the Blissful Wishes Ball here and you can learn more about Wish Upon a Wedding here.
So, here's the deal on this local giveaway: Lynne Lucente donated a FABULOUS floral package to Wish Upon a Wedding for their silent auction at the Blissful Wishes Ball, which was held November 4th, 2010 at the amazing Ebell Wilshire Theater. All proceeds from the silent auction were going towards granting wedding wishes for couples facing a terminal illness or life altering circumstance.
This giveaway is valued at $1265.00!
Lynne is based in South Orange County, California but the winner can be anywhere in the Orange County area. The winner of this incredible giveaway will receive:
* Brides Bouquet
* 2 Bridesmaids Bouquets
* Grooms Boutonniere
* 2 Groomsmen's Boutonnieres
* 2 Father's Boutonnieres
* 2 Mothers Corsages
* 2 Alter Pieces
* 6 Centerpieces
- You must LIVE or BE GETTING MARRIED in Orange County California!
- Your wedding will have to coordinate with Lynne's schedule. She is now booking for 2011.
So, you have met the two requirements above - right? Now, it's time to enter!
- For ONE entry into this giveaway: Follow my blog PUBLICLY and let me know you are here!
- For a SECOND entry "pay it forward" by sharing this post with someone who lives or is getting married in ORANGE COUNTY! Leave their first name and if they post you get credit for the entry!
- For a THIRD entry twitter or blog about this contest and leave an ADDITIONAL comment to let me know you did that with a link to the post! You can find my twitter page here
- Share a brief story of something random you have done to "pay it forward"....did you let someone go in front of you at the grocery store? Did you buy someone's coffee at Starbucks? Did you volunteer somewhere? Donate somewhere?
This giveaway will end on: December 15th at 5pm PST and the winner will be posted shortly there after!
What you win: Wedding flowers - fulfilled by Lynne Lucente
Value of giveaway (including shipping to winner): $1265.00
This giveaway is open to only those who reside in Orange County, California

Hi! I just signed up to follow your blog publicly today! Thanks for awesome giveaway opportunity =)
ReplyDeleteA "pay if forward" moment: I am a server at a restaurant. Over the years I have become close with some of the patrons, especially one elderly couple, Marilyn and Sonny. Well, Sonny died of a rare form of leukemia and this left Marilyn completely devastated. I know she is lonely and heartbroken so I take her out to dinner every so often. I pick her up from her house and let her pick the restaurant =)
ReplyDeleteKerrie- Your Blog is amazing and I cannot believe your amazing giveaway, I am so ready to win, win, win. I may even buy a 'Red' wedding dress. Love that color!!
Pay it forward - Noticing someone was obviously homeless while in a fast food drive-through. I rolled down my window and asked the young adult if he was hungry (he was not panhandling) and he said yes. I told him to meet me at the exit of the drive-through. I purchased a meal for him and sure enough he was at the exit, handed him his meal he said thanks and I left. I expected nothing in return but instead I felt goodness inside of me.
Hi! How kind of you to pass this along to brides! Very thoughtful. Thank you for the opportunity to win this! Crossing my fingers!
ReplyDeleteI am so touched by your generosity I had to write a note about you. I don't have twitter or blog so this is the best I could do. And it's the first note I've written :)
I'm following! And this is awesome of you!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!
Posting on my facebook as well!
I subscribed to your blog via my rss reader! Also, my friend, Megan, is getting married next year and I shared with her on her facebook page. :) AND I showed your blog to my wedding planner, Amy Ling Events. Your blog has some really great content.
ReplyDeleteMy sister (and magical Matron of Honor) posted your amazing giveaway on my Facebook wall... I'm getting married March 20, 2011 at the beautiful Casa Romantica (featured on this page!). So, obviously that's a sign that I needed to enter!
ReplyDeleteI'm now following your blog and Twitter. I look forward to reading your great advice as I have lots to do in the next few months!
I have a dream job as a journalist for a national television news program. If it weren't for a number of teachers and mentors in my life I would never have accomplished the goals I set out to achieve. I have been "paying it forward" by mentoring young journalists through programs at my job and my alma mater. I enjoy encouraging and directing them to find success and happiness!
Now if I could just find a wedding mentor... Thank you so much for the generous opportunity to win beautiful flowers by Lynne Lucente!
Here I am! Very happy to be here. :-)
ReplyDeleteFollowing you =) Thank you for the opportunity to win such a meaningful prize!
ReplyDeleteHere is my blog post about this contest..
Pat it forward moments.. I always give the homeless money (even if it's my last $5) and I volunteer at the soup kitchen in Costa Mesa some Saturday mornings. Thanks again I will be forwarding this blog to other future brides I know..
ReplyDeleteOh and I posted this on my good friend Kimberly's facebook.. not sure when she is getting married but she has been engaged a while
ReplyDelete(I am submitting this entry that was posted on
I saw your post and I wanted to write to you. My daughter lives in Orange County and just got engadged on November 26. She will be getting married on June 26 2011. This would be such an awesome surprise for her if you would consider her for your give away. Please allow me to tell you our story.
In Sept of 2009 My husband was in a life threatening accident and as a result has Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Which has devastated my family. We live in Tennesse and will be trying to find a way to get to California for her wedding. Due to our circumstances I am unable to help with the wedding expenses. In the process of changing her whole life to move to be closer to us. she met and feel in love with a wonderful man. Of which she told me this was not in the plan...I told her when we make plans God laughs ! My daughter and her new husband are planning to move to Tennessee so she can be with her Daddy. He has severe memory lapse and every day seems to remembers less of his life. They are getting married so soon with the hopes he will be well enough to walk her down the aisle. Thank you for allowing me to share with you her story .She would be thrilled at such a blessing in her life. They are saving every dime for the wedding and move to help me with this life altering family tragedy .This would be my Pay It Forward to them . Thank you for your time.
Live Your LifeSong,
Coralie Fisher
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting my story I was so thrilled to see it this morning. I'm now a follower on your blog could you share with me what else I should do to be considered . Thank you so much
Live your Lifesong,
I'm a follower!! I would like to win this!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower and just tweeted about your giveaway! Very excited about the opportunity.
ReplyDeletePay it forward moment:
ReplyDeleteI never knew what pay it forward was. I was a career driven women who put money and my career above all. Until I was laid off in August 2009. I went for a year without being awarded a job. My fiancee and I struggled mightly but still paid all of our bills on time and cut back in ways I didn't know existed. Life changed, but in such wonderful ways not only did our relationship survive a difficult time, but we learnt that life is so much more than the almighty dollar. Now that I'm employed officially as of September of 2010, I do all that I can to pay it forward. Whether its helping out at work as a volunteer or helping out someone in the grocery line that doesn't have enough money to pay. I work in a lesser area than my wonderful neighborhood in the OC and I see so many homeless people and I bring things for them, food, treats for their dog, water etc. They smile when they see me, now I don't do it all the time but I do it when I can. And even when I don't have something they smile and I wave and I know that I've made someone have hope.
I started volunteering at the age of 12, and was always the first among friends and family to give whatever cash I had to the homeless I encountered on freeway exits and on the streets. Many gave me lectures - but I had to do what was right in my heart. I mentored girls (age 12 - 17) in not-so-great areas of LA and baught them heavy jackets for the colde LA winters (yes, we have cold winters in LA!) I also baught them make-up and taught them how to apply it so that their natural beauty was highlighted rather than the 'hoochi look.' I did what I could do and LOVED every moment.
ReplyDeleteI worked for a non-profit health charity (a big disease) for almost 8 years before being laid-off. I lost my father to this very disease. Non-profit jobs are for those who have a passion to help; not for those wanting to make a nice salary (the pay is very low, but you can rest at night knowing you did what you could do to raise awareness and money for this cause = PRICELESS) A few years later, my mom suffered a massive stroke and became paralized on her left side. I braught her to my apartment and took care of her for 2 years. She got pnemonia twice and was taken to the hospital and is now in a nursing home. I plan on bringing her back home after I find a full-time job. I currently work part-time.
*Specific moment* - last Wed., I ran out of the house (in a hurry) to pick-up a BBQ chicken sandwich I ordered at home. I left with the $7 it cost and nothing else - not my purse, not even my driver's license (I know, stupid of me). I picked-up the sandwhich and got into my car to head back home in time to watch 'Survivor.' I was stopped at a traffic light when I noticed a homeless man looking through the trash bins for food and recyclables. The light turned green, and the next thing I knew, I pulled-up next to him, rolled-down my window, and asked him if he would like a hot BBQ chicken sandwich. He mumbled an "OK" and I handed it to him and told him I hoped he enjoys it. I drove-off with a smile on my face, but even more importantly, a smile in my heart. So what if I had cereal for dinner? It never tasted soooo good!
Ooops, I am also 'following' :)
ReplyDeleteSahar Sedadi, my very good friend above referred me to your blog. She has the biggest heart and is a dear old friend. ....I also did something unexpected a few weeks ago that made me feel good inside. A coworker of mine was in need of a new purse because her old one was torn and tattered. I had a new purse in my car that I was planning to return to Nordstrom but decide to give it to her instead. I new she needed one and felt that by giving the purse away I was doing something nice for a friend! She was shocked and surprised that I offered to give a brand new purse to her, but I told her that I thought she would look great with it! She was really appreciative and told me the next day that her daughter loved the purse too! It made my day to see her happy. It is always better to give than to receive! :)