Saturday, January 9, 2010

Heading Out On A Road - To Help A Bride!


We are getting ready to head out to Arizona...just us girls and 2 toddlers! The purpose for the trip is to help a friend getting married in July! She hasn't found her dress yet and we are getting down to the wire! There is a big bridal show going on in Phoenix (where the bride lives) called  Bridal Fashion Debut & Wedding Services Expo. 

I am hoping to squeeze in a trip to Azteca Bridal Plaza or I Do I Do Bridal Salon. If anyone lives in the area - give me some feedback! Have you been to these stores? What are your thoughts about them? We are short on time and have a mission!

January is a busy month for bridal shows...are you attending one? I blogged about bridal shows here. Share with us your experience if you went to one this month! 

I will be updating from the road...this should be fun! Good luck to all the brides out there shopping for their dress! Keep your fingers crossed we find "the one" for our bridal friend!!


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